When Studio launched I was very excited to have an easy to use WordPress local development environment powered by WordPress Playground. Unfortunately Linux support is not official yet, but Antony Agrios added a comment with detailed instructions in the launch post. To make it more accessible to others that want to try Studio in Ubuntu Linux, here are the steps with some minor changes from me.

1. Clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/Automattic/studio.git wordpress-studio

2. Install dependencies

Requirement: have Node Version Manager (nvm) installed.

# Open repository folder
cd wordpress-studio

# Make sure you have the needed nvm version
nvm install

# Install dependencies
nvm use && npm install

# Fix vulnerabilities found
npm audit fix

3. Create application files

# Create packages
npm run package

# Make it executable
chmod +x out/Studio-linux-x64/studio

4. Run


5. Optional: create launcher

This is a nice step to make it easier to launch. This is how it will look like:

Ubuntu launcher for WordPress Studio with personalized icon

To do this, create a new file for the launcher:

gnome-text-editor ~/.local/share/applications/studio.desktop

Paste the following content inside the file changing the two ABSOLUTE-PATH entries with the absolute path where you clone the repository in the first step.

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Studio By WordPress.com dev
Comment=Studio By WordPress.com dev
Exec=/ABSOLUTE-PATH/wordpress-studio/out/Studio-linux-x64/studio %U

That’s it, have fun!


2 responses to “How to install WordPress Studio in Ubuntu Linux”

  1. Thanks for the post. I just installed it on Fedora 41 so yeah it is cool if they package Studio as a Flatpak and release via Flathub 🫠

  2. Javi Avatar

    Really amazing tutorial! I’m in elementary OS, and everything works flawlessly.

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